LIstas a 500 ptos y organizar partida

14 años 10 meses antes #47139 por Airen
Si no siempre podéis coger a Belial y al hechicero del caos y hacer un duelo :P , que también hay reglas para esoxD.

"En mi tribunal no existen declaraciones de inocencia. Toda declaracion de inocencia es culpable de hacerme perder el tiempo. Culpable".
"Cuando se trata de vino, canciones y mujeres, a los magos se les permite emborracharse y desafinar todo lo que quieran."

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14 años 10 meses antes #47140 por Neithan
ok gracias lyanna, a mi tambien me suena eso que estas comentando pero ni la remota idea de donde.

En el mundo hay tres tipos de personas:las que saben contar y las que no.
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14 años 10 meses antes #47145 por Sidex
Estas son las reglas de wh40k in 40mins

Each player will need an army that
conforms to the rules below:
• Armies are no more than 400 points.
• You must have one Troop choice.
• You may have one HQ choice, but no
more than one.
• You may spend remaining points from
anywhere in the Codex.
• No model can have more than 2 Wounds.
• No Special Characters.
• No 2+ saves.
• No vehicles with a total Armour value
greater than 33. This is calculated by
adding the Front, Side and Rear armour
numbers. (Only count the Side once).
• All models must be WYSIWYG -
‘What you see is what you get’.
• All models must be painted
Citadel miniatures.
As you might not pick an HQ choice, the
patrol should still have a commander
who gives the orders and against which
Leadership tests are made. This, of
course, would be the most senior
ranking figure. In the case of two figures
being of an equal rank then the player
may choose which is the patrol’s leader,
and only that figure may confer its
Leadership bonus to friendly squads.
There are a number of scenarios in this
pack which you can use. See the scenario
sheets enclosed for more details.
There is another way to use these rules
if you have around an hour to play a
larger game. Players can team up with
two armies allied together for the battle
and play against two other opponents.
Players will fight a battle with two armies
allied together. Each army may ally only
with the armies shown on the Alliances
chart shown opposite:

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14 años 10 meses antes #47146 por Neithan
Gracias Sidex. Ademas asi pongo en practicas mi ingles :P .

En el mundo hay tres tipos de personas:las que saben contar y las que no.
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14 años 10 meses antes #47147 por Sidex
Te jodera un poco porq no puedes llevar nada de tsa+2, nada de ala de la muerte.

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14 años 10 meses antes #47150 por Neithan
Si un poco, pero bueno entre colegas ya se sabe :P

En el mundo hay tres tipos de personas:las que saben contar y las que no.
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