Rumores: Tau & Caos

13 años 2 meses antes #58891 por Archipirómano de Charadon
Es imposible que GW saque Caos en Diciembre. Hasta Enero o Febrero no creo que haya nada gordo...

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13 años 2 meses antes #58892 por Neithan
Respuesta de Neithan sobre el tema Ref:Rumores: Tau & Caos
¿pues no salian en primavera junto a la nueva edicion de 40k?

En el mundo hay tres tipos de personas:las que saben contar y las que no.
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13 años 2 meses antes #58908 por Bairrin
Respuesta de Bairrin sobre el tema Ref:Rumores: Tau &amp; Caos
Con la última frase quiere decir que el autor es Matt Ward??:unsure:

Matadlos a todos, el emperador sabr&aacute; reconocer a los suyos.
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13 años 2 meses antes #58911 por nadie2
Respuesta de nadie2 sobre el tema Ref:Rumores: Tau &amp; Caos
más de TAU: ... atest.html

Tau Updates
New SC &quot;Iceheart&quot;

Crisis suits have been completely redesigned (not just recut sprues and ankle tweaks), less boxy and including a 'morphic weapon'

New sniper suit

Shas'O get a stealth armour option, may be an experimental suit like Shadowsuns, or the experimental suit might be a third option

Allies and Auxiliaries

Vespids get two slots (unknown if this is an additional two, or two overall). Kroot get an additional unit

No Knarloc riders,though perhaps something big (new WFB monster-szied) for the Kroot

Maybe minor psychic powers for Shapers or Shaper like character this is something Ghost has heard from other people and not stated directly

Demiurg have 1 HQ, 1 troop and maybe 1 else. Presumably the Elite choice mentioned elsewhere

Demiurg ancients are a thing Probably HQ, but could also be the elite unit

Possible Demiurg elite choice

Wave 1 Minis
4 box sets, and 4 blisters in wave 1

Demiurg plastic box
Battlesuit plastic box
Vespid plastic box(?)
Assault transport(?)

Demiurg ancient blister
New Tau SC blister

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13 años 2 meses antes #58955 por nadie2
Respuesta de nadie2 sobre el tema Ref:Rumores: Tau &amp; Caos [....]k-rumors-chaos-legions-nibbles.html

there will be 3 chaos dexes as far as im aware, legions, renegades n daemons

now daemons will appear in the legion dex but not those awful lesser things they are now... im not sure about greater daemons... however if you are doing a legion list its based on &quot;black legion(or the generic list)&quot; or one of the others

legions - whats there ?, lots

world eaters with bolt guns you say... yeah there there

expect very powerful characters here (they are 10 Milena old)... my favorite is the overpowered red angel... now he IS angry

ill say this there are havoc's for marked legions

though each legion will get something unique to them, from force organization to individual units to hqs, for example night lords n world eaters can only have 1 heavy support but get other boni

remember huron has quite decent kit, so expect something like a 2nd ed list for him. also, in some ways picking a legion will restrict you, there are allot of chaos characters already in fluff so expect most to return, plus a few new faces

whos the star of the show huh?... now that is something ill hold onto for a while

6th ed codex will be hardback

and i didnt see a named warsmith, only the dark mechanicus guy

i have to say im excited for chaos, there is allot allot of inspiration from the 3.5 dex, with warsmiths, dark apostles n the alpha legion rules well lets say they have a dual command structure

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13 años 2 meses antes #58965 por nadie2
Respuesta de nadie2 sobre el tema Ref:Rumores: Tau &amp; Caos
Rumors about the three Chaos Codexes coming soon. The first of which we should see next year, Chaos Legions. I for one am frothing at the mouth for Chaos Renegades which I will buy. I also will start a new army when Chaos Legions comes out, so yes figure another 6-8k pt army for me.

What is this big guy in the picture? Well he is in the rumors below, so check it out.

Please remember that rumors are rumors, please take with salt.

via Ghost21
okay time to end the what ifs....
there will be 3 chaos dexes as far as im aware, legions, renegades n daemons

now daemons will appear in the legion dex but not those awful lesser things they are now... im not sure about greater daemons... however if you are doing a legion list its based on &quot;black legion(or the generic list)&quot; or one of the others


whats there ?, lots

world eaters with bolt guns you say... yeah there there

expect very powerful characters here (they are 10 Milena old)... my favorite is the overpowered red angel... now he IS angry

would I be correct to assume the renegades book will include some &quot;lost and the damned&quot; style units? traitor guard, mutants etc

thats the plan, but also rules for , chapters that have gone bad

I assume the Red Corsairs will figure prominently in the Renegade book? Will they try and give Renegade chapters more &quot;codex/loyalist&quot; gear?

not exactly as i understand its a latd list first n foremost

traitor generals, guard, SOME marines, mutants, cults etc

checking my Horus Heresy Artbooks again after some years I ended up looking at a picture that before I never really paid much attention to:

Horus' allies shown on page 40/41 of HH3: Visions of Treachery. There is also a picture on page 45 that shows what I am asking about in detail.

The picture shows a Marine in Power Armour, engulfed in flames, tied with chains, with Blood Angel iconography that hovers over the ground next to Ahriman of the Thousand Sons.

Who or what is that?? Is he a poor survivor of the slaughter on Signus Prime? A victim of the demon(s) that also wounded Sanguinius?

I never ever came across an explaination for this &quot;demon&quot; Blood Angel.

It actually took a while until I realized that guy has BA icons on his armour. And how's Ahriman involved in this or is it coincidence he is next to him in that artwork?

I'm glad ghost21 was able to confirm my early reply about Warsmiths and Dark Apostles, and World Eaters w/Bolters...

Here's more tidbits over a few shots of bourbon and some cigars...
*Chaos Dreads: No longer crazed or deranged, and new plastic (FINALLY) sprue to incorporate some new/old dreadnought close combat weapons types (chainfist, thunderhammer, power scourge, etc.)...but i'm more excited about being able to have Marked Dreads!!!

*Assault Berzerkers! Finally, Berzerkers with jump packs counting as Fast Attack!

*Slaughterfiends from Apoc will make their way into the Codex, along with versions for &quot;Marked&quot; type ones for other Legions.

*HQs making a return (lil' salt): Droomrider, Doombreed, Cypher , along with 5 newish guys.

*Unit size changes: Oblitz can come in up to 4, while most Daemon Engines can be 3 for 1...

*New Landraider: So we no longer have to suffer with just the old crumby one, has a higher capacity (15?) but is more of &quot;warped&quot; version of one of the Imperial versions.

*Force Org Chart: As ghost21 has alluded to, it won't change according to your Legion (HQs) as in swapping more Heavies for less Fast, but your access to units in those categories opens up, becomes limited, or closes off accordingly. Easy example I was given, is taking Khorne Daemon Prince means no Scouts...

I mean there is to be a &quot;scout unit&quot;, but no associated with the World Eaters.

And as Brother Dimetrius has already mentioned, Cypher indeed was a Chaos model, and appeared in at least one of our previous Codexes. Could that mean a hint at Dark Angels around the bend? I think that'd be very cool, especially considering they are the FIRST Legion...

*Nightlords: I don't ask much about them, though a lil' i have for my buddy Paul has around 25,000+ points of them...Hit &amp; Run and Stealth for universal special rules, but possible counter attack (for elite unit) as well as jump pack troops.

*Possessed: FINALLY getting some love, and according to Legion, they will have upgrades either already included or that you can pay for.

*Word Bearers: Apparently getting a lil' extra attention, and besides Dark Apostles, new models for &quot;daemonancers&quot;, which just might be unit champs/sgt upgrades. I'm not sure. BUT, their summoning of Daemons from the Warp apparently allows re-rolls on the scatter dice, as well as new mishap chart!

*Deathguard: Feel no pain and blight grenades for their Cult Terminators, new nasty flamers upgrades.

*Thousand Sons: AP3 bolters will be MUCH more useful under 6th Edition, and a couple new Psychic abilities, one of which (supposedly) can remove an entire enemy squad from the table on a failed stat test!

*Iron Warriors: Access to Thunder Hammer &amp; Storm Shield termies, thunderfire cannon off-shoot, Havocs w/Tank Hunters and relentless for some squad...

*Emperor's Children: Lash is finally changed to be more in line with Daemon version. More heavy weapons upgrade count for larger units. Better Bikes? Not sure what that means...

*Alpha Legion: Lots of infiltrating abilities, outflanking, and even temporary control of enemy squads/vehicles...basically sneaky bastards!

*Black Legion: HQs allow broader access to all unit types, but lack of better universal special rules.

via Ghost21
there are downsides to chaos units, nurgle cant do sweeping advances(i think thats what there called, n are stoic ), khorne has to engage in some kind of combat every turn or suffer a d6 result, tzzench (sp, ooooh i hate that word)are mindless automatons, who need a command figure or suffer a d6 result to guide there actions, and slaanesh well lets say they have very harsh results

as ive said, it will probably be the first or second 6th ed book, 6th ed is slated for jully i think (but also i have bb then... so i dunno), so anything upto 4 months after that (n this is the Legions book, not the renegades)

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